Water – why a human just can‘t live without it?

It is said that although water seems to be perhaps the simplest and most elementary element on our Earth to many people, it is still an elixir of life that is simply vital for all forms of life. It seems that the habit of taking water with you everywhere has become very unsurprising. Take a look at your colleagues’ desks. Most likely, you will see a cup or glass with water on them. Only a handful of people will not have anything to refresh themselves with in a car on a hot summer day. It has already become the norm in many kindergartens for parents to bring their children’s bottles filled with fresh water every day. Not to mention the tables in restaurants, cafés, where you will always see glasses of water. On journeys, on trips or just getting up in the morning – we are accompanied by what many fittingly call the elixir or source of life everywhere. Regardless, what are the benefits of water for the human body? How much of it is needed not to go overboard but also not to experience dehydration?

How much water do you need to drink per day? If you do not drink enough water every day, you risk experiencing dehydration. This is especially relevant in summer, when, due to the hot climate, fluids are removed from our bodies extremely quickly. Warning signs of dehydration are – weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, dark urine and/or dry mouth. So, how much water do we need? According to the data of Harvard Medical School, most healthy people need about four to six cups of water each day. You can also drink more water if you have certain health conditions, such as thyroid, kidney, liver or heart disease. Perhaps if you are taking certain medicines that affect water retention in your body. However, the need of water even for a healthy person differs. This is especially relevant for those who do a lot of sports or do physical work outdoors every day. The rule of four to six cups of water does not apply to these people.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), whose recommendations are followed by doctors in Lithuania, states that a healthy person needs to drink about 30 ml/1 kg of water per day. The calculation is very simple and extremely accurate to determine the needs of your body. For example, if a person weighs 55 kg, he or she will need about 1 litre and 650 ml of water daily.

Water not only refreshes, but also performs many internal functions that are important for human health and allow the whole body to function perfectly. First of all, it helps transfer the nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body. Secondly, it washes away bacteria from the bladder and helps the digestive system to function properly. This is probably the most effective way to prevent constipation. Doctors advise regular consumption of water in order to stabilise heart activity and to normalise blood pressure as well.

The easiest and most effective way is to simply drink water regularly. This is a habit that needs to be developed. Let us start by pouring and putting water next to our bed every day before going to bed. Let your energetic and successful day begin with a refreshment. Always have a bottle of natural mineral water at hand: in the car, at work or in your sports bag. Remember that good habits are formed from childhood, so make sure that children always have something to drink from. A small-capacity bottle of mineral water, designed to make it easier for the little ones to drink and a drinking bottle with fresh water are also suitable. Water can also be consumed with certain food. For example, very large amounts of water (from 90 to 99 percent) are found in the following products: strawberries, watermelons, lettuce, cabbage, celery and spinach. Slightly less (80 to 90 percent): in apples, grapes, oranges, carrots, pears, cooked broccoli or cauliflower.

These products should be a part of your daily diet. They contain not only a lot of water, but also other useful substances and fibre. Their consumption gives you an opportunity to take care of your wellbeing, energy and health by yourself.

Daily consumption of water can help control calories and a variety of high-calorie sweet drinks will only add extra kilograms. For example, food that contains a great amount of water seems larger, its volume requires more chewing, and the body absorbs it more slowly. If you exercise daily, it is also important for you to drink enough fluids. According to the guidelines and recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine, fluids should be consumed before and during physical activity. It is advisable to drink about two glasses of fluids approximately two hours before exercise. During exercise, it is recommended to drink water regularly so that replaces the fluids lost through sweat and make you feel more energetic, assisting in the avoidance of weakness or tiredness. Water is not only a source of health and wellbeing, but also a source of beauty. Human skin looks much more elastic, healthier, and more vibrant if your body doesn’t lack fluids. Dried skin is especially prevalent when we heat the house during the cold season. However, the dryness should be combated not only by humidifying the premises, but also by drinking plenty of water. Dehydration can make your skin look dry and wrinkled, but its condition can really be improved by properly moisturising it from the inside. Water supports the proper functioning of all bodily systems; it is a source of our beauty, wellbeing and energy. Drinking water regularly on a daily basis should be our habit, as important and significant as brushing your teeth, taking vitamins or getting a good night’s sleep.